ByBit Account Settings

Account: Bybit Unified Trading Account.

USDT Derivatives: Set to Cross.

Leverage: Set to 10-100x (to use full collateral).

Trading Settings

Symbol: ETHUSDT (example)

Trading pair (COINUSDT format).

Quantity: 1, note 0.1 requires DOT not comma

Quantity of coin traded per order.

Spread: 0.002 = 0,2% | 0.02 = 2%

Spread percentage in decimals.

PREMIUM Scale: True or False

Adjusting buy/sell order amount depending on position.

PREMIUM ScaleLimit: Position value to start scaling

Adjusting when to start scaling (needs Scale to be enabled).

Loop-Timer: 30 (example)

Bot loop timer in seconds (don't set too low to avoid API blocking).


Testnet: True or False

Enables testnet mode.

APIpublic: Enter your actual public key here

Your Bybit API public key.

APIprivate: Replace this with your_private_key

Your Bybit API private key.

SymbolRoundPrice: 2=10.XX, 3=10.XXX | BTC=1 ETH=2 XRP=0

Number of decimal places for price rounding.

ActiveOrders: 2 (example, places 4 orders)

Number of buy/sell orders (total orders = 2 * ActiveOrders).

VIP-Fees-maker: 0.0002 (regular user), VIP1 = 0.00016

Your fee rank (regular = 0.0002).

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